
Friday, November 22, 2013

We're ALL FIRED UP about Nikki Dee Houston's new book!

Welcome to out blog tour post for All Fired Up  by Nikki Dee Houston.

Hey...wait a minute! Nikki! Do you have something you need to tell me? raised eyebrows

thinking  Hmm... Mwahahaha winking Ok I'm just kidding. I wish I was a talented writer...big grin

Oh good. Because I was going to have a bone to pick with you for keeping this hottie a secret from me! winking

So, who is Nikki Dee Houston? I’m a businesswoman by day, an erotic romance writer by night, and a lover all the time. I share a modest beach shack on a small island close to the mainland with my very own real-life hero, and our two cats.

I began writing seriously about three years ago, mainly short stories and women’s fiction, but I’d always wanted to write the ‘behind closed doors’ stuff. When I saw all the hype about readers wanting more erotic fiction, I played around with a few stories, finally settling on erotic romance. I believe that a strong romantic element, combined with an interesting storyline, is necessary for good erotic romance. Having said that, I don’t underestimate the expectations of readers for some hot and steamy scenes, and try to deliver on all counts.


1 comment:

  1. You gals have made my day!! Yes, I HAVE been keeping this hottie all to myself, but now I've unleased him onto the firefighter reading public! Thank you both SO much for having me here today. I'd like to send all your readers my very best wishes, and wish them good luck in the rafflecopter giveaway. Thanks again, and hope to see you all again soon. Cheers from Nikki Dee.
