
Friday, November 21, 2014

A Reason to Kill by C.P. Smith

CP Smith ARTK Release

A REASON TO KILL (Reason #2) by CP Smith

22664127WARNING: Author believes in soul mates and insta love proceed with caution if you're not a romantic at heart. You've met Jack from "A Reason To Breathe" now meet his cousin and lumberjack Max, Max Hunter or as Mia likes to call him Thor, God of Thunder You know what they say about lust at first sight.....It's a seven deadly sin but when you sin . . . you sin hard. Max Hunter has a problem, well, two, actually. One he fished out of the river and the other...A killer. Mia Roberts has a problem that stands six foot five and swings an axe like a God. On assignment to study the grizzlies of the Alaskan frontier, she stumbles across a body and then stumbles into the arms of a lumberjack she can't resist. Throw in Max's mother, a handful of crazy friends and family and you have a recipe for adventure. Rated B for Bossy, F for funny, T for Thor, God of Thunder, R for language, explicit sexual content and EDIBLE UNDIES. For mature audiences only. 18 and above.




So, today we're talking about A Reason to Kill by C.P. Smith. I know we did a buddy read of her previous book, A Reason to Breathe and had varying opinions on it. 

Lol. Yeah, you had "issues" and I loved it. tongue

Lol. I guess you could phrase it that way. But because of my issues with the previous book, I was kind of scared to read this. Yes, it sounded good, but I've been burned by that before. 

It did sound good and I was really curious. I didn't remember Max or Mia being mentioned in book 1 so I wondered who they were. And you know me. I was so excited that I had to do some author stalking and found this blog tour and dragged you along with me. devil 

LOL. That you did. And I have to say, I'm glad you did because this book was awesome. This book had finesse so even though the characters do get together pretty quick, I felt their connection and was instantly drawn into the book and became invested in them getting together.

I have to say that while I enjoyed C.P. Smith's A Reason to Breathe, I loved A Reason to Kill so much more! I don't know what it was about Mad Max, but he pushed all my buttons in the best ways! winking Maybe it had something to do with Wet Max, or better yet, Naked Max winking But any way you look at it, I need to find myself a lumberjack, pronto. Preferably one who is tall, dark and handsome and goes by the name of Max hunter winking

LOL. I have to give the author credit because typically when I see ranchers, farmer, or in this case, lumberjacks, I run the other way. I'm a city girl, so much so that just the thought of nature sends me into the need for a hot shower to clean off the dust. But Max was beyond amazing. I wouldn't mind finding one of him for myself too. winking

LMAO. You crack me up! I absolutely loved this book. It captivated my interest from the first page until the last, and I was so sad it was over! I seriously considered starting from the beginning and reading it again!

LOL. That still makes me laugh. I'm actually surprised you didn't pick it up from where I was since you finished before me. 

I couldn't help it! I couldn't put it down. I don't know how it took you so long to get through it!

What? All two hours after you finished? tongue 

Yeah! We started at the same time! 

SMH. Anyway...back to the book....

Fine! tongue 
I have to say that when these two finally meet, it wasn't quite what I was expecting. There were no instant sparks that turned to lust and sexy times. No, it was quite hilarious instead. Too much alcohol, some karaoke, oh and vomiting on hot guy boots. This leads me to another thing I absolutely loved about this book. It was freaking hilarious! I laughed so much throughout the entire story. I found that to be a great bonus to the mystery of who was going around killing people and also the budding love connection between our hero and heroine. 

I have to completely agree with you. Mia and Max had me cracking up! And I loved that the first time they met, officially, that she threw up all over his boots! 

rolling on the floor That was awesome! And totally embarrassing!

Is it horrible that I was really glad that Mia's boss was one of the murder victims? 

rolling on the floor No, it's not horrible. He was a complete asshole! You can't go one book without hoping a character dies can you? raised eyebrows

I can't help it! He was awful!

He really was. I have to say that I loved the murder investigation. Between Max's mom, her friend, Mia's aunt and Mia's coworkers, they were all playing a cross between MacGyver & Columbo. Again, it provided the making of some pretty funny scenes.

LOL. You're right. I especially loved the Scooby-Doo references! 

I really loved this book. I think Ms. Smith did a great job with every aspect. The love story was awesome, the characters were all well developed, the mystery was well done, the sexy scenes were hot, and my overall impression was a great book that will definitely become a favorite to reread. 

I think you summed it up pretty well. I completely agree. I would definitely reread this book. :) 

  Teaser (5)  







C.P. Smith is a stay-at-home mom. The need for more stories featuring older couples is the driving force behind her writing. Love isn't just for the young it's for everyone. A first kiss at 18 or 50 is still a first kiss--full of wonder and expectation.   



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