
Sunday, September 20, 2015

REVIEW: Hidden Scars by A.M. Myers

25658974Hidden Scars by A.M. Myers
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Book Description: 

Emma Harrington is an intelligent, confident, sweet and sassy woman. 

Or she was...before him. 

Emma sets out to rebuild her life and find the person she once was. A wrench is thrown into her plans when she meets Phoenix West, a sexy as hell, smooth-talking tattoo artist. 

As soon as Nix meets Emma, he knows he's found something special. He can't deny their connection and despite her reluctance, Nix slowly works his way through her hidden scars and into her heart. 

Just when Emma starts to breathe again, her fear resurfaces, threatening her hopes for the future. 

Will she ever be free to live the life she truly wants? Or will her torturous past finally catch up to her?

There were parts of this book that were really good. But I also had some issues.

The good parts:
• Nix. I loved him. He was sweet and genuine and hot.
• Emma's brothers. They were so protective and awesome. I know we find out their HEA in the epilogue but I would love to see books for both of them.
• The steam between Nix and Emma. ;)
• The suspense story-line revolving around her ex.

OK, now for what I had issue with. It was really only one thing:
• The alternating format of present and past.

In some books it works well. But in this one, for me, it didn't work. I get needing to know what happened to her in the past, but I kept feeling like I was spending too much time getting to know her ex-boyfriend. I also felt like it slowed the book down. Just as I would really get into the story of Emma and Nix, I'd be pulled out and thrown back into her past with Ryan. Emma's story with Ryan basically started at the beginning, same as her story with Nix did, so I kept feeling like I was reading 2 separate stories when what I really wanted to read was Nix's story.

Overall, the modern-day story was actually pretty good, and worth reading. I think the author shows great promise and can't wait to see what she does in the future.

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This was a story told in two parts: NOW & THEN. I really liked the two different story lines however, I wish in a way that they had been two separate stories all together. I really got into both story lines equally, but just as I got into one, it bounced me out and into the other. Both story lines start the heroine at the beginning of some type of relationship between the hero and the villain, so you are reading about two different relationships at once for the same woman.

I liked Emma's family and co-workers. I also appreciated how this story had you guessing as to what was going on, and what secrets were being hidden. I really liked Nix a lot and for awhile, I really liked Ryan. I enjoyed the banter and flirtations that went on with the couples.

Over all, I thought it was a good read.

Thank you A.M Myers for the opportunity to read your story.

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