
Friday, July 29, 2016

REVIEW: Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre

28103957Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Book Description: 

You know girls like me. You hate girls like me. The privileged blonde who skips her Ivy League classes when she's had too many Soho martinis. The one draped on the asshole's arm because he drives a Bugati and screws like a champ.

I was that girl. I loved being that girl. 

Then, my door was broken in. Literally. 

And in that moment? Everything changed.

This book...I've been trying to decide what to say in this review all day, and I'm still not sure what to say.

I was really excited to read this book. My local library started offering a new ebook service and they have have some self published books to borrow, and I geeked out about that. It's not often that you see self published books in the library, so when I do, I go all fangirl. So, I agonized over what to read first from the list of books offered, and after reading (and loving) Moonshot and Hollywood Dirt, I decided this was the perfect book to borrow and read first.

On one hand, I did like this book. I read it in one sitting. But on the other hand...I just didn't love it the way I loved Moonshot and Hollywood Dirt.

I did like Chloe. I felt for her and what she was going through. I loved that she had such good friends that stood by her when others would have dropped her. I hated that Chloe's parents were so awful. But beyond that, I wasn't really passionate about this book. Yes, I wanted to know what happened, I wanted to know who she'd end up with...but I also wasn't really connected to the story and was slightly disappointed when my first and second choices weren't the guy she ended up with.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying I disliked Carter, because I did like him. He was sweet. But I couldn't help that there were two other guys I liked more. My first choice was one that I knew would never happen (I would have been shocked if it did happen)...and that was Clarke. I just couldn't help but like him because he was such a great guy that deserved better than what he had. And once I got over the fact that it wasn't going to be him, Joey was introduced...and I was instantly smitten. I was cheering when he kissed her and hoping that she'd end up with him but...alas, it wasn't meant to be. So, Carter it was.

I'm not quite sure what it was that kept me disconnected from the story, but whatever it was, I just didn't love this as much as the previous books I've read by Alessandra Torre. I'd definitely recommend it to others, it just wasn't awesome for me.

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