
About Us

“Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
[Our] pile of books is a mile high.
How [we] love them! How [we] need them!
[We'll] have a long beard by the time [we] read them.”
Arnold Lobel


Welcome to our blog! 

We are a couple of friends that met on Goodreads and had an instant connection through books. We love reading romances and fighting about who has claim on the hottest book heroes. In our free time (when we're not reading) we can be found on GR chatting books.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope you'll come back again.

Jenn is our newest addition to the blog! She has been a tremendous help with our FB page as well as the blog. She loves reading MC romances, always on the look out for the next great one!

1 comment:

  1. Hi ladies,
    I am wanting to send a review request to you but am unable to follow the link. Could you please email me the address so that I can offer my titles up for review? My email is
    Kind Regards,
    Rebecca Moon
