Welcome back to our Sunday Spotlight!!!! It's been absent for a while, but we're happy to have it back!
For our first week back, Lindsay is going to be talking all things books and movies...ok, she's talking Passionflix! So, Let's get to it!
I must confess...I love Passionflix. Like seriously love them.
When I heard that there was a new streaming service that was going to be turning romance novels into movies, I immediately signed up.
I've waited with great anticipation for each release day of their original content.
It finally dawned on me...I have a blog, and I've read (most of) the books. Why haven't I blogged about this before!?
I might be starting a little backwards, but here we go!
The Matchmaker's Playbook (Wingmen Inc., #1) by
Rachel Van Dyken

So, I won't give you my full
review of the book in this post, but if you're interested, feel free to click on it above (FYI, I gave the book 4 stars). But the basic thing that stuck with me about this book was how much Blake annoyed me. I didn't like her for Ian and for the first time ever, I actually
WANTED a cliffhanger and for Ian to find someone else.
So...that brings me to the movie. Yes, I was super excited. Regardless of the way I felt about the book, I was going to watch this movie. I couldn't wait to find out how close they stuck to the source material, how the actors did portraying the characters and so on.
I have to say, this is one of those few times that I loved the movie more than the book. When I read the book, I remember it taking FOREVER for me to come to like Blake. She was just off putting. But I liked her much more in the movie.
Photo Credit: Passionflix |
One thing that was done better in the movie vs. the book was the chemistry between Ian: right;">

Photo Credit: Passionflix
I have to admit that I was really surprised by Nick Bateman. I've only ever seen his social media feed and pictures of him as dream casting. I had no idea if he could act or not. Now, I wouldn't think that they'd cast him just because he's a pretty face and looks the part, but...you never know. But I thought he played Ian PERFECTLY. And his 4th wall breaks...LOVED IT.
Photo Credit: Passionflix |
One thing that stayed true to the book for me (feelings wise) was the easy banter/friendship between Gabi, Lex and Ian. I LOVED the scenes where they were all together. Although to be honest Lex totally stole the show. I can't wait to see his movie! And let me tell you, when the whole group is sitting around, watching a movie, a Passionflix movie!, one that stars the same guy that plays Lex...I died laughing! That was probably one of the best moments ever!
So, check out the trailer below, and don't forget to grab a copy of the
So, have you seen the movie? Did you read the book? What did you think? Drop a comment and let us know! :)